The Deluxe+ artbook also reveals other names considered for the Pachinko boss: Churippu (a direct transliteration of the katakana for translating 'tulip' in Japanese, a reference to win pockets also being called 'tulip catchers), Jara-Jara (a commonly used onomatopoeia for pachinko machines), and Koatari ('small jackpot', referring to a point reward system present in many pachinko machines).Despite the debug level ID being Pachinko, the localization files list "Pachi-Pachi" as their name.Pachi-Pachi might have been intended to be used on spaces 10-12, along with The Light and Card.

As the boss took more damage, they would move faster as more balls started falling. Balls would drop from the top of the arena, which would cause the platforms to tilt. It could easily be dodged by moving the opposite way as Pachi-Pachi, as it shortly disappears 3 seconds after it is fired. Pachi-Pachi would move across the room, occasionally shooting a beam of fire through the hole of their head.

In the intro before the battle begins, Pachi-Pachi turns on their ears, grows two horns in the top of the head and their nose, and begins to fight Cuphead and Mugman. Very little is specifically known about Pachi-Pachi's personality, apart from the fact that they seem to enjoy talking in rhyme, as evident by their unfinished death screen.